Whoo Influenced You?

Arletta R. Allen

"Three Relationships That Transformed My Life"

Whoo influenced You, is a gratitude anthology that Arletta Allen has co-authored with Dr. George C. Fraser and MBN Founder Mr. Stan Matthews, and other brilliant contributing authors.

This gratitude anthology highlights three people in Arletta's life that helped to shape and secure her success as a best- selling author,  professional speaker, social influencer, and trauma recovery coach. The storyline behind Arletta's journey will be mind-blowing and without a doubt inspirational.


Her story will inspire you to become the very best version of yourself and will reflect experiences that are authentic, relatable, and transparent and are significant to her success today.

Arletta dedicates this book to a very exhaustive list of individuals in who she feels deserve recognition including; organizations she has served, her children, parents, friends, and family. Check it out, who knows maybe you will find your name listed.

A Must Read!.




Arletta Allen is a bestselling author, dynamic professional speaker, trauma recovery consultant and leadership trainer. She gives keynote presentations and workshop facilitations that are customized to audience needs. She motivates others to defy the odds by transitioning from trauma to triumph. 

BOOK  Summary

“Very often, “what happened” takes years to reveal itself. It takes courage to confront our actions, peel back the layers of trauma in our lives, and expose the raw truth of our past. But this is where healing begins.” - Oprah Winfrey 


This is the totally moving and inspiring story of a black woman who takes us on a poignant journey from a traumatic place of despair, despondence and insecurity, occasioned by grinding poverty, racial marginalization, early domestic upheaval, physical and emotional abuse, and utter hopelessness, to finally arrive at a triumphant place of victory over self-doubt, the eventual discovery of her authentic identity, and the fulfillment of God’s divine plan for her life, such that she now lives purposefully and intentionally by inspiring others to defy the odds.



 Arletta Allen presents her debut book, Defy the   Odds: Making the Transition from Trauma to          Triumph. In this book, Arletta pulls back the     covers by sharing her inspirational story of a   black woman who takes us on a poignant journey. She will take you on her personal    journey from a traumatic place of despair,  despondence, and insecurity. 

 As she takes you on a journey, Arletta will be   inspiring and empowering you to defy the odds   on your personal journey. Although she was   raised in experiencing poverty, early domestic   upheaval, physical and emotional abuse, and   utter hopelessness, she eventually arrived at a   triumphant place of victory over self-doubt. 

 Arletta discovered her authentic identity and   the  fulfillment of God’s divine plan for her life.     Now, through her story, her mission is to also   navigate you to the destination of hope and   freedom, where you too shall defy the odds!

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